S P A C E , The Final Frontier!!!

Cool Stuff you should know about SPACE! Just the FACTS!

Can you name the (8) planets in our Solar System?
They first letter of each planet name (in order) is your hint.
M --- V --- E --- M --- J --- S --- U --- N --- P

(yes there are nine planets..)

We live in the MILKYWAY Galaxy. All the stars we see are in the MILKYWAY Galaxy.
How many stars are our Galaxy?

How many Galaxy's exist in the Universe?

Where is the most powerful telescope on earth?

The atomosphere of the earth blocks deadly radiation from the sun.
This is equivalent to how many feet of concrete?

===================== Answers for above questions ===================

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto

+ + + + + Here are some REALLY BIG numbers for you + + + + + + +

There are 100 to 200 Billion stars are in our Milkyway Galaxy.

There are many Trillions of Galaxies in the Universe.

It takes our Solar system (sun & planets) 230 million years to orbit the MilkyWay center.

Special THANKS to Mr. William P. Keck and the Keck foundation for
the most powerful telescope on Earth, the Keck Telescope in Hawaii. This telescope
gathers light from several computer controlled mirrors which allow it to simulate the
the power of a lens bigger than can physically be made on earth. The hubble space telescope
is more powerful because it is in outer space outside of earth's atmosphere.


. . . . . . . . Million Miles . . Orbit Year . . Diameter . . Temp F . . Number of
. . . . . . . . . from Sun . . . around Sun . . . miles . . . . . . . . Moons
Mercury . . . . . . 36 . . . . . 88 days . . . . 3,032 . . -292 to +800 . . 0
Venus . . . . . . . 67 . . . . . 243 days . . . . 7,521 . . +896 . . . . . . . 0
Earth . . . . . . . . 93 . . . . . 365 days . . . . 7,926 . . . -94 to +131 . 1
Mars . . . . . . . 142 . . . . . 687 days . . . . 4,217 . . -184 to +77 . . 2
Jupiter . . . . . . 484 . . . . . 12 years . . . . 88,865 . . -238 . . . . . . 16
Saturn. . . . . . . 887 . . . . . 29.5 years . . 74,914 . . -292 . . . . . . 18
Uranus . . . . 1,784 . . . . . . 84 years . . . 31,770 . . -346 . . . . . . 15
Neptune . . . 2,795 . . . . . 165 years . . . 30,782 . . -350 . . . . . . . 8
Pluto . . . . . . 3,675 . . . . 248.5 years . . . 1,429 . . -382 . . . . . . . 1


The sun is only 10,000 F on the surface but 27,000,000 F in the center.

The earth's atmosphere is equivalent to 13 feet of concrete for protecting

us against dangerous radiation from the sun.
Did you know if a solar flare would have been directed
toward the moon while the Apollo astronauts were there they would have
died of radiation exposure!
How many earth life forms have been genetically altered by excessive
radiation on earth caused by solar flares?

I've got to research the polar cap average ice depth again.

Recalling from memory, it is 15 feet average ice depth.