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Spot buying fireworks in Lawrence, KS where they have camels!

The KANSAS RIVER by downtown Lawrence, KS - with fishermen!

A boat fisherman on the KS river using a large GOLDFISH for bait!
Going for the BIG CATFISH, obviously!

On to ABELINE, KS --> Home of the GREYHOUND Hall of FAME
Spot with a couple former race dogs inside.

Spot drive the locomotive in Abilene!

Spot hears a GUN FIGHT in Old Town Abilene and finds the hombres
outside of Buffalo Bill's sherrif's office.

Buffalo Bill's Sherrif office (inside) -- with coffin

The early days two story log cabin.

One of FOUR firework stands in BREWSTER, KS


FIRST --> The SENTINEL, a lone wheat bin in a field of wheat.

SECOND --> CONTRAST, Wheat ready to harvest and a crop of dryland corn.

Pictures of LEVANT, KS added SOON! Here's a couple!