Sparky Clown's SCIENCE and WISDOM Universe !
LEARN and GROW....

R E F R E S H . . this page regularly, BRAIN FOOD updates occur OFTEN.

There are NO chance meetings in LIFE.
Earth is a very challenging Spiritual SCHOOL.
Most people are material based, the wise are SPIRITUAL based.

Lesson #1 - Replace HATE and FEAR with LOVE and FORGIVENESS

Lesson #2 - There are NO LIMITS. Any are self imposed.

Lesson #3 - Always be "POSITIVE".

Lesson #4 - Any job worth doing is worth doing well !

Lesson #5 - What is your highest PASSION?

Lesson #6 - You are a SPIRIT living in a physical body, for now.

Lesson #7 - Your ultimate Spiritual GROWTH GOAL - Service to Others

GOALS, Self Improvement, Success tips NOW ADDED.

Last improvements were 06/20/2024
Next upgrade scheduled for 10/15/2024

What you never learned in school - (think about these)

1 - American Flying Tiger fighters protected China from Dec 1941 to July 1942.

2 - At the decisive battle of Yorktown, American Revolution, 1781,
at the end of the war, half of the army fighting the British were French soldiers!
The French fleet helped as well (and the British ship codes book)
France provided 90% of the gun powder used by the American army.

3 - Russia stopped the Germans in 1943 before D-Day occurred in 1944.

4 - What was Operation HighJump in 1946 ?


. . All about GOALS . .

. . All about SELF IMPROVEMENT. .


NOW for ARTICULATE ART - front and back pics from the Atlantic, Caribbean.

Articulate ART group 1 pics

Articulate ART group 2 pics

Farmer Frank's FIRST Canvas Art piece.....

FF-Art is Farmer Frank's art piece signature
Fast Art was done Jan/Feb 2024 offshore of New Zealand (Holland) and Australia (Carnival).

Van Gogh style art has a VG in the sun.

More ART coming periodically all year ! ! !

Luminosa, PAM from India, A#1 hard worker ! ! !


Brewster reunion pics

Colby reunion pics

KANSAS - special section about the state ! ! ! (click here)

SPaRky's FAMOUS birthday party with Savanah the Chimp!!



** MUST SEE Hubble deep space photo of interacting GALAXIES **

TWO Galaxies Interacting Deep in SPACE(click here)

February 2009 - Learn how OIL is NOT a fosil fuel, but is being made by EARTH!

. . old UNIX info and business marketing page . .

The MOST DANGEROUS job in America ------ Working on cell phone towers.

2003 Iris Flowers (virtual flower garden)

.......... INTERNET RESEARCH PAGE ............

Internet Research Page

K A N S A S . B U F F A L O

SEE THE NEW KANSAS Link near the top for more pictures.

(Famous BIRTHDAY MONKEY picture, KS Buffalo picture, antique fire trucks
Greyhound dog pictures, and more pictures near bottom of this big page)
MANDLEBROT & Fractal information / Bee facts / frozen fountain update pic

This next section has a DINOSAUR LIBRARY link in it ! ! !

Earth History - DINOSAURS - Mankind - Really COOL (Rodenia)

Index of what is found at this web site (click here)

* * * * * * The SCIENCE of FRACTALS (Benoit Mandelbrot) * * * * * * *

This is a fascinating area of science. More info to be added about the use of Fractals.

Check out the zoomable then the animation! ! !

More about Fractals and Mandelbrot! ! !

Some of the most searched phrases for this website are;


antique fire trucks

Kansas Buffalo

Kansas snakes

* * * * * . . . Excitement of going on a Caribbean cruise . . . * * * * *

Caribbean Cruise pictures - Cozmel, Belize (click here)

You must have a PASSPORT. Get the form at the post office.
Processing may take up to 3 months.

Cruises provide awesome food, adventure, and a chance to meet interesting people!

Take binoculars, talk with people, enjoy the views, relax, snorkel if you can.

Go on a diet before your cruise and do not eat in excess on the cruise.

Keep a log of what you do daily for reflection years later.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*** ... . Recommended Readings (by Farmer Frank and his PhD buddies) . ... ***

Wisdom is for the WISE, and folley for the FOOL!


The World is Flat

The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin

* * * * * . . BEN FRANKLIN update . . * * * * *

Did you know Ben Franklin was loved by the French? He was able to
get millions of dollars in loans from the French to help America get
started. John Adams (2nd president) didn't like Franklin and tried to get
him removed as the French ambassador. Every attempt to remove Franklin was
resisted by the French who insisted he be a part of the American team.
Franklin was successful with both the French and English in important diplomacy.
The key to Franklin's success while others like Adams could not succeed was
Ben had immersed himself in French culture and developed strong relationships
with important people in France. They loved Ben. History is cool.

. . . . . Earth Changes Update . . . . .

When the earth was warmer millions of years ago, and there
was no polar ice caps, there were many more plants on earth.
The green house gases were very high. The results were an abundance of
plants which produced OXYGEN ! The much higher levels of oxygen allowed
dragon flies to be of size one foot in length. Such a fossil was just
discovered in a quarry in Germany.

BEE POLLEN . . . . YOUR Health . . . . BEE POLLEN . . .

BEE POLLEN Health Benefits

Farmer Frank just added the BEE FACTS section below. Interesting ! ! !

Farmer Frank's BEE F A C T S (must read) (click here)


NEW NASCAR web information (click here)


. . . . . WARNING - - - WARNING - - - WARNING . . . . .

World news: Yellowstone gets closer to massive erruption. Impact could be

world wide starvation. You can research this one on your own or email me.

Be prepared. (Research TOBA). Do not ignore this.

........May need 5 year food supply (or more) .......

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It's FOOTBALL TIME, very soon. Know your football history ! ! !

Past SuperBowl games, scores and WINNERS (click here)! ! !

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Cities with Indian names in Kansas plus a GREAT tribe web site. (click here)

Youth learning how to work bees (in Kansas) ! ! ! !

What were the names of the (13) US colonies ? ? ? ?

The 13 colonies (click here)

****** The TOP four phrases in TV history are . ... .. . .

#4 - Where's the beef?

#3 - You're FIRED ! ! !

#2 - That's one small step for man, one GIANT leap for mankind ! !

#1 - Heeeeerrrrreeeeee'''ssssssss Johnny

My personal favorite is "BEAM ME UP SCOTTIE !"

More of the top 100 TV phrases

2006 Fall Futurity Doggie Race RESULTS in Kansas City, KS


Beverly Hillbillies Update

Granny - Irene Ryan - 73 - died from a brain tumor

Jed Clampett - Buddy Ebson - 95 - died from pneumonia complications

Jethroe Bodine - Max Baer - Born in 1937 - living - son of former heavy weight boxer Max Baer

Elly May - Donna Douglas - Born in 1933 - living

Milburn Drysdale - Raymond Bailey - 76 died from a heart attack

Jane Hathaway - Nancy Kulp - 70 - died from cancer

Check out the SPACE FACTS link below ! ! ! How may stars are there?

SPACE FACTS - - - planets - - GALAXIES - - more

The world's richest greyhound race pics for 2006 is READY.

When SPOT finds the 2005 race pics it will be updated with pics / results. (soon)

How to be successful in business . . . .

Get to work a little bit ealier than others.

Stay a little bit longer than others.

Work a little harder than others.

Care about your work and your customers.

This will help you be successful.

Update 07/15/06 - Tips for girls on maintaining a car.

SpARkY has some HONEY Bees !

Queen bees live about 4 years. Winter bees 5 months. Summer workers 38 days.

Bees keep a hive warm in the winter by making heat by rubbing their wings together.

Pollen is extremely healthy for you - loaded with vitamins and minerals!

Bees collect pollen from flowers to feed it to baby bees.

Farmer Frank sells bee pollen..... email him....

BEE POLLEN Health Benefits

Sample pictures from KS #1 tourist location !!

KIDs, five things to do in December 2008 -

1 - Brush your TEETH really good.
2 - Clean up your Toy Box, make room for new toys.
3 - Know that Benjamin Franklin invented the lightening rod.
4 - Listen to your MOM and DAD.
5 - Feed your brain by reading this web site.

Airplane pics -- Most popular item at this web site

Parents section just updated with RISK factors for SKIN CANCER...

PARENTS Health / live longer and improve your quality of life (bee pollen)!
The HEALTH section located here has been updated. Look at it to find
out why you should take VITAMINS, MINERALS, ASPIRIN, GREEN TEA, and more...

FACTS about our Presidents

NEW - US Gov, 3 branches (you must know this)!

NEW - See the famous who died in 2005 !

NEW - See the famous who died in 2000-2004 !

YES - Pictures from the HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE ! ! !

HUBBLE Space Telescope (133 pics)

Brain knowledge LINKS below !!

a) Wild animal pics - KS #1 tourist site.

b) Sparky's diet tips

c) Start of boat cruise information

d) Farmer Frank lesson #1 - grains

e) Santa's reindeer names

f) BIG words and their meaning - group 1

g) Sparky's farm animals (will grow BIG)

h) Farmer Frank story and pics

i) Talking birds update (July 2007 update)

j) Lucky and Spot the clowns update

k) Wisdom to make you wise

l) Western KS Zoo animals

What year did man first set foot on the moon?
Who was the first person on the moon?
What was the name of the missions to the moon (Gemeni, Lunar, or Apollo)?
How many men walked on the moon?

(answers => June 20th, 1969 - Neil Armstrong - Apollo - 12)

2006 Fall Futurity
2006 Greyhound's richest race
2005 Greyhound's richest race
2004 Greyhound's richest race
2001 Greyhound's richest race

Greyhounds make wonderful pets - they are calm,
don't shed, and are gentle.
You can adopt a greyhound for about $100. They eat very little.
They are full of love!

Antique KANSAS fire truck !!



Cool stuff of interest

2003 Iris Flowers (virtual flower garden)

How deep is the ice on the North pole?

How many planets share our solar system?

How many stars are in the MILKYWAY galaxy? Check out this link ! !

SPACE FACTS - - - planets - - GALAXIES - - more

Look at beautiful pictures taken by the Hubble telescope ! ! !
HUBBLE Space Telescope (133 pics)

Cruises are cool.
Menu of cruise pics and information

List of the U.S. Presidents !

List of Canadian Prime Ministers

PHOTO GALLERY = Wheat harvest, river, KC, etc.

Technology = Keck telescope in Hawaii uses computers
to simulate a GIANT lens. Yes, computers can simulate
a telescope lens larger than can be built
on earth (gravity effect causes limits).
Why is this important?
Guess what happens if the earth is hit by
a 10 kilometer (mile) meteor?
Yes, one of our greatest threats is big rocks
flying through space.
Look at the moons surface! The earth
get's hit four times more!
Earth is 4 times bigger than the moon.
Don't live on the coast if one of those big
rocks hits the ocean!
So, telescopes are being used to identify and
track big rocks that might hit the earth.
Some day we will be visiting some of them to
cause them to not hit earth.

80% of auto accidents in the United States are cause by drivers

being distracted. Reasons incluce cell phones, cds, make up, food.

You know the facts! Don't become a statistic ! ! !

10 Most Dangerous Sharks (JUST UPDATED Dec 07)


How many planets does our SOLAR Sytem have ? 9 Right?


10 now with the discovery of 2003 UB313 / aka ZENA which is the size of PLUTO !

Hubble measured it.

Enough of this rubish denying PLUTO planet status!


How MUCH Nuclear POWER do COUNTRIES have?

Nuclear Power as a percentage of domestic electricity;

78% France
28% Germany
23% Japan
22% United Kingdom (England for those in Rio Lindo)
19% United States
16% Russia
13% Canada
0 Italy

NEW wild animals of KS and some extras

Hippos and Whales had a common ancestor 55 million years ago.
Hippos are vegetarians and eat at night. They are 1/3rd the size of
elephants but only eat 1/6th as much food. They conserve energy.
Yes, elephants are related to Whales also.

Who is DAN WHITNEY from PAWNEE CITY, NEBRASKA ? (click here)

* * * * * * K A N S A S - H E R O - J O H N / B R O W N * * * * * * *

Mural by John Steuart Curry in Topeka, KS

This picture is loaded with symbolism, the struggle to end slavery, and Kansas references like the tornado.

Ok, the burning of Lawrence KS by confederate raiders, the bloodshed of the civil war, the difficult life for

early settlers. The destructive forces of man and nature, the power of the gun and the bible,

the bigger than life stature of John Brown.

In Kansas he is a hero, on the East Coast of America he is considered a rebel.

More on Kansas history during the COWBOY days, to be added in 2008!

Skip on past the white area to the rest of the web site below it.

Worth knowing;

New KU theory (KU - Kansas Univeristy)

450 million years ago earth was zapped by a gamma ray burst

These happen about 300 times daily, with only 1 daily hitting earth.

Most are 6 to 7 billion light years away, but 450 Million years ago

one was close to earth and caused our ozone to disapate for a time

letting the sun's UV rays kill much of the plankton and tribolites

in the oceans. Later effect was hazing of earths atmosphere

followed by GLOBAL FROSTING (cooling). It was pretty bad.

now another extinction event follows below -
. New fact based dino extinction facts, it was a
130,000 yr process with three phases and
the earth heating up - 250 million years ago.

KIDS, Have you thought about your future today ?

Always respect your elders. Don't be dumb.

Learn what 'self improvement' is all about !